Do’s & Don’t Coronavirus
Close Contacts
Close contacts should stay away from a person with symptoms as much as possible.
Make sure shared space has good airflow, near an air conditioner or open window.
Face Masks
Although many people have purchased face masks as a way of fending off infectious diseases, no public health agency has recommended that the general public use them. Use face masks if you’re together with a person with symptoms and in the same room. Influenza A and B viruses travel through the air in droplets when someone with the infection coughs, sneezes or talks. … Surgical-type masks may help block airborne influenza germs, and they may also prevent the transmission of germs from your hands to your mouth or nose.If you have facial hair, microscopic pathogens will be able to sneak through the tiny passages made by hairs. High Touch Surfaces: clean all “high touch” surfaces like countertops and door handles, phone and computer keyboards; toilets and bathroom fixtures. When In Public: Do not stand close to people who are sick. That may mean taking the stairs rather than an elevator. If you take an elevator, try not to touch buttons with your fingers. That’s also true for other objects or surfaces that other people may touch. Clean and disinfect those areas if you can. Otherwise, avoid touching them. Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze, either using a tissue or your elbow. Throw used tissues in the trash right away. When to Call a Doctor: People in close contact with those with the virus should monitor their health and should call a health care provider right away if they develop symptoms such as a fever cough or shortness of breath. Please share, subscribe and like us on Facebook. hanks for watching!! If you know someone who could benefit from this information, please feel free to forward it to them!!
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