It Sounds Crazy But True-Mouthwash May Cause Diabetes & Obesity

Mouthwash May Cause Diabetes & Obesity

I know it sounds crazy!!!

It Kills Good Bacteria!

In a 2016 study, researchers found evidence that the popular mouthwash Listerine can control gonorrhea bacteria in people’s mouth and throat.

While the antibacterial fluid is used to kill harmful oral bacteria, researchers of the new study said that it could also be indiscriminately killing the beneficial strains of microbes that provide protection against obesity and diabetes, as well as those that help the body produce nitric oxide.


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To Lose The Fat, Lose The Wheat!

To Lose The Fat, Lose The Wheat!

Is Wheat The Cause of Your Obesity?

It isn’t Wheat Any More

  • The wheat in the modern diet has no relationship to original wheat other than the name.
  • The wheat we consume today is so far removed from the wheat of our ancestors that they would not recognize it.

We should all avoid eating the wheat the food industry has created using synthetic pesticides and commercial chemical fertilizers.

Drop The Wheat, Drop The Fat (more…)

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Salt, Thirst & Why We Gain Weight-New Research

Salt, Thirst & Why We Gain Weight

New Research On Salt

Salt Makes You Hungry

  • Recent research is reporting that a salty diet caused the test subjects to drink less not more water.
  • The report goes on to say that the kidneys conserve water trigged by the salt and produces urea, which stimulates hunger by consuming energy rather than creating thirst.

It had always been thought that salt caused urination by holding water molecules in the body that in turn caused thirst, this report can change what we know about salt.

Hart To Believe! (more…)

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Weight Loss Is All About Learning To Say No !

Weight Loss Is All About Learning To Say No

There are too many obese people in the world today…or so it might seem, with the number of “obese” folks you run into on a daily basis. However, what about the people who said NO to obesity?

As a child, you were raised to be considerate to others, and to accommodate them as much as possible.

How do you know exactly when struggling with weight gain is enough? And more importantly, are you saying no to yourself by saying yes to bad food choices every time? Chances are that is exactly what you are doing, even if only subliminally.

Wondering when is the time for you to use your no’s effectively?             We’ve got you covered! (more…)

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5 Natural Ways To Improve Your Sleep To Lose Weight

5 Natural Ways To Improve Your Sleep To Lose Weight

Getting a good night’s sleep can be refreshing and rejuvenating. For millions, though, a good night’s sleep seems just out of reach. People of all ages across the globe suffer from occasional to chronic insomnia.

Insomnia is a condition that interrupts your ability to fall asleep or stay asleep. If you are suffering from this sleep disturbance, you may be hesitant to turn to harsh medications to help you fall asleep.

Sleep duration affects hormones regulating hunger — ghrelin and leptin — and stimulates the appetite. Another contributing factor might be that lack of sleep leads to fatigue and results in less physical activity.

Here are 5 ways that you can help improve your sleep naturally. (more…)

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Diabetic, Obesity & Weight Loss Foot Care Made Easy

Diabetic, Obesity & Weight Loss Foot Care Made Easy

Diabetic Feet:
Take off your shoes & socks
Ask your health care provider to check your feet.
Report any changes in how your feet look or feel.
1-Wash your feet thoroughly
2-Dry your feet thoroughly (between the toes)
3-Apply moisturizer to your feet ( not between the toes)
4-Wear moisture resistant socks
5-Never walk barefoot
6-Wear shoes that fit well
7-Check your feet for sores, cuts, blisters, corns and redness
8-DO NOT soak your feet!
9-DO NOT smoke
10- Change your diet to Low Carb plan
11- Lose weight
Foot Care (more…)

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How to Cut Rx Drug Costs

Are you struggling with the soaring cost of prescription drugs? CBS MoneyWatch recently reported that drug prices are predicted to soar nearly 50% over the next few years.

I want to help you find ways to contain these costs so that they don’t interfere with your long-term medical drug costs.

I’m also including three tips on how to cut your prescription drug costs. As always, please let me know if you have any questions or new developments with your health care costs. (more…)

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Water Retention & Weight Gain- Particularly Women

Water retention and its subsequent weight gain is a particularly bothersome issue for women of all ages, let’s learn all about it.

Understanding water retention

Water or fluid retention is also referred to as edema. It occurs in the circulatory system and may cause bloating, and swelling in the extremities, such as the legs, feet, and ankles.

People who lead extremely sedentary lifestyles with little exercise or those who are bedridden are susceptible to this condition.

Edema can also be indicative of kidney disease or heart failure, so if you have a severe case of it or a severe sudden onset, get emergency medical care. (more…)

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