Sugar Makes You Fat Not Fat, Sugar Industry Lied

Sugar Industry Hid Its Link To Diseases

Investigators report that industry misled us all!!

They misled us that it was fats

In the 1960s, a debate began over the effect of sugar and fats on cardiovascular disease. Researchers say that the sugar industry, wanting to influence the discussion, funded research to look into sugar consumption.

And when it found data suggesting that sugar was harmful, the powerful industry pointed a finger at fats.

Newly uncovered historical documents indicate the industry never disclosed the findings of its work and effectively misled the public to protect its economic interests.

Food Industry


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Olive Oil For Health & Weight Loss

Olive Oil For Health & Weight Loss

EVOO What Is It and Why Do You Need It?

What Is EVOO?

Is it safe to drink olive oil?

It is loaded with antioxidants that help protect the heart and blood cells from damage. Olive oil is a major ingredient in the Mediterranean diet, which is known for its cardiovascular benefits. Drinking olive oil every day is not only good for the heart, but may also aid in weight loss and pain relief.

Health Benefits Of Olive Oil (more…)

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Chocolate Can Keep The Doctor Away

Chocolate Can Keep The Doctor Away

Chocolate Heart

  • Recent research is showing that people who consume some chocolate during the week improve their heart health.
  • It turns out that chocolate has compounds called “polyphenols” that increases blood flow and improves vascular health.

It is also being reported that the compounds in Cocoa may help reduce inflammation.

Dark Or Milk Chocolate? (more…)

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The Secret Ingredient Making Us Fat!

The Food Industry Did It To Us!

  • The sugar industry is a 2 Billion dollar industry.
  • Sugar is the cause of the worldwide obesity epidemic.
  • Sugar is everything we eat.
  • It is in our diets from the minute we awake to the minute we go to sleep.
  • It comes in so many forms and uses so many different names while hiding in plain sight.

Sugar Makes Us FAT! (more…)

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How You Can Use Cinnamon For Your Weight Loss

More individuals are finding the astonishing results that cinnamon can give in weight reduction. Cinnamon is a spice that has been used for nourishment and treating body afflictions.

Cinnamon influences your glucose levels and impacts the way your body stores fat.

Muscle To Fat Ratio

Muscle to fat ratio is an aftereffect of having abnormal amounts of sugar in your blood. Cinnamon can help manage your glucose levels.

It increases the level of insulin in your body and helps in the metabolizing of glucose in your circulation system. (more…)

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“Health Alert: How Side Affects Of Artificial Sweeteners Can Effect You”

The food industry, which is the major reason for our obesity, is once again being shown to the cause major health illnesses.

We were told that Butter was no good for us so they sold us Margarine.

What they did not tell us was the Margarine contained high levels of High Fructose Corn Syrup.

The problem with HFCS is that since it was added to the modern diet 60 years ago, it has been a major cause of obesity, tooth decays cancer, dementia, heart disease, liver failure, and more.

The industry next looked to replace natural sugar with artificial sweeteners.

This week International Journal of Occupational and Environmental (more…)

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