Treat Obesity & Diabetes With Cinnamon- Lose 30 Pounds In 30 Days

Treat Obesity & Diabetes With Cinnamon

We have been telling you this for a long time!

Benefits Of Cinnamon

Recent research is reporting that common Cinnamon which is popular food ingredient can lower cholesterol levels, relieve Alzheimer’s disease symptoms and is associated with decreasing the risk of diabetes and obesity.

Cinnamon is an obesity killer. A tablespoon per day will help you lose 30 pounds within a month!

Fat Cells


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Olive Oil For Health & Weight Loss

Olive Oil For Health & Weight Loss

EVOO What Is It and Why Do You Need It?

What Is EVOO?

Is it safe to drink olive oil?

It is loaded with antioxidants that help protect the heart and blood cells from damage. Olive oil is a major ingredient in the Mediterranean diet, which is known for its cardiovascular benefits. Drinking olive oil every day is not only good for the heart, but may also aid in weight loss and pain relief.

Health Benefits Of Olive Oil (more…)

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Chocolate Can Keep The Doctor Away

Chocolate Can Keep The Doctor Away

Chocolate Heart

  • Recent research is showing that people who consume some chocolate during the week improve their heart health.
  • It turns out that chocolate has compounds called “polyphenols” that increases blood flow and improves vascular health.

It is also being reported that the compounds in Cocoa may help reduce inflammation.

Dark Or Milk Chocolate? (more…)

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Argentine Tango Away Early Alzheimer’s

Argentine Tango Away Early Alzheimer’s


  • The brain rewires itself based on how you use it.
  • The Hippocampus and the cerebral cortex respond to learning new things that use both your body and brain.

Learning to dance and Tango in particular due to it being a dance that requires more attention to detail than other dances can work wonders.

Use It Or Lose It! (more…)

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Should You Ate Fat To Lose Weight?

Should You Ate Fat To Lose Weight

Report On Saturated Fat vs. Unsaturated Fats.

Are You Living In 1977?

In 1977 the Dietary Goals for Americans (1977) report proposed increases in carbohydrate intake and decreases in fat, saturated fat, cholesterol and salt consumption was never proven to be true. The DGAC Report does not provide sufficient evidence to conclude that increases in whole grain and fiber and decreases in dietary saturated fat, salt, and animal protein will lead to positive health outcomes of supporting evidence limits the value of the proposed recommendations as guidance for consumers or as the basis for public health policy. It is time to reexamine how US dietary guidelines are created and ask whether the current process is still appropriate for your needs. Current research is negating the DGAC Report.

They Were Wrong! (more…)

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For Heath & Obesity It’s All About Gut Bacteria

For Heath & Obesity It’s All About Gut Bacteria

New Research On How Some Foods Increase Health Risks

It’s In Meat & Eggs

New research is saying that an essential nutrient found in eggs and meat called Choline may cause blood to become sticky and Inclined to form clots that cause strokes and heart attacks.

  • Like Goldilocks too much Choline is bad and too little is just as bad.


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Salt, Thirst & Why We Gain Weight-New Research

Salt, Thirst & Why We Gain Weight

New Research On Salt

Salt Makes You Hungry

  • Recent research is reporting that a salty diet caused the test subjects to drink less not more water.
  • The report goes on to say that the kidneys conserve water trigged by the salt and produces urea, which stimulates hunger by consuming energy rather than creating thirst.

It had always been thought that salt caused urination by holding water molecules in the body that in turn caused thirst, this report can change what we know about salt.

Hart To Believe! (more…)

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How Vitamins Helps Ageing!

How Vitamins Helps Ageing!

What Vitamins Do

  • People do not realize what vitamins can do for them. Vitamins are great for those who need them. On the other hand, if you have sufficient vitamins, then you will not need regimens of vitamins. Building vitamins in your system, which has too much already, or sufficient nutrients can cause harm. Vitamins will make you look younger and feel younger as well as make you feel good about yourself, providing you need regimens suited for your system.
  • How do I learn what vitamins are good for me?


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