It Sounds Crazy But True-Mouthwash May Cause Diabetes & Obesity

Mouthwash May Cause Diabetes & Obesity

I know it sounds crazy!!!

It Kills Good Bacteria!

In a 2016 study, researchers found evidence that the popular mouthwash Listerine can control gonorrhea bacteria in people’s mouth and throat.

While the antibacterial fluid is used to kill harmful oral bacteria, researchers of the new study said that it could also be indiscriminately killing the beneficial strains of microbes that provide protection against obesity and diabetes, as well as those that help the body produce nitric oxide.


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Treat Obesity & Diabetes With Cinnamon- Lose 30 Pounds In 30 Days

Treat Obesity & Diabetes With Cinnamon

We have been telling you this for a long time!

Benefits Of Cinnamon

Recent research is reporting that common Cinnamon which is popular food ingredient can lower cholesterol levels, relieve Alzheimer’s disease symptoms and is associated with decreasing the risk of diabetes and obesity.

Cinnamon is an obesity killer. A tablespoon per day will help you lose 30 pounds within a month!

Fat Cells


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Why Do Seniors Get Shingles? One Out Six Seniors Will Get it !!

Why Do Seniors Get Shingles?

One Out Six Seniors Will Get it !!

Shingles Overview

Almost 1 out of every 3 people in the United States will develop shingles, also known as zoster or herpes zoster, in their lifetime. There are an estimated 1 million cases of shingles each year in this country. Anyone who has recovered from chickenpox may develop shingles; even children can get shingles. However the risk of shingles increases as you get older. About half of all cases occur in men and women 60 years old or older. (more…)

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Olive Oil For Health & Weight Loss

Olive Oil For Health & Weight Loss

EVOO What Is It and Why Do You Need It?

What Is EVOO?

Is it safe to drink olive oil?

It is loaded with antioxidants that help protect the heart and blood cells from damage. Olive oil is a major ingredient in the Mediterranean diet, which is known for its cardiovascular benefits. Drinking olive oil every day is not only good for the heart, but may also aid in weight loss and pain relief.

Health Benefits Of Olive Oil (more…)

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HFCS Hidden In Plain Sight – What You Didn’t Know!

HFCS Hidden In Plain Sight- What you didn’t know!

Exposed!! The Ugly Truth About High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)

The corn crop in the United States is heavily subsidized, high-fructose corn syrup is also cheap.

As a result, it’s now used in so many foods, from crackers to soft drinks, that it has become one of the biggest sources of calories in the American diet.

Why do food manufacturers use it? (more…)

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Chocolate Can Keep The Doctor Away

Chocolate Can Keep The Doctor Away

Chocolate Heart

  • Recent research is showing that people who consume some chocolate during the week improve their heart health.
  • It turns out that chocolate has compounds called “polyphenols” that increases blood flow and improves vascular health.

It is also being reported that the compounds in Cocoa may help reduce inflammation.

Dark Or Milk Chocolate? (more…)

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To Lose The Fat, Lose The Wheat!

To Lose The Fat, Lose The Wheat!

Is Wheat The Cause of Your Obesity?

It isn’t Wheat Any More

  • The wheat in the modern diet has no relationship to original wheat other than the name.
  • The wheat we consume today is so far removed from the wheat of our ancestors that they would not recognize it.

We should all avoid eating the wheat the food industry has created using synthetic pesticides and commercial chemical fertilizers.

Drop The Wheat, Drop The Fat (more…)

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